Le groupe Caisse des Dépôts célèbre son bicentenaire à travers une vidéo hommage à la jeune génération.
- Agency: Art Actuel
- AD: Nathalie Tinland
- Project coordinators: Emmanuelle DeParis
- Producer: Corry Van Rhijn
- Executive Producet: Aymeric Mosser
- DOP: Alexandre d'Audiffret
- 1AD: Montaine Lambert
- Editing: Manuel Coutant
- Héloïse Grinin
- Meriem Tirera
- Qays Camara
- Jade Blanchardin
- Amaury Mendy
- Matéo
- Mathys
- Chloé
- Florence Monge

We shot this film at a good friend's family house, and it was like going back to childhood. I personally helped the set design by crafting garlands and paper props. I even spent an evening drawing a geography map like in school, making names up and colouring... When I saw the whole crew playing with the paper city we had built, I felt like we had managed to capture a little bit of these particular childhood memories and feelings.