BOURJOIS Volume Reveal
A new episode in the wanderings of our Parisian Bourjois muse. Her cute sulking ways depict the efficiency of Bourjois's new volumizing mascara over a dreamy illustrative view of Paris.

- Client: Bourjois Paris
- Agency: What's Next Partners
- Director: Raphaëlle Tinland
- Starring: Dorcas Coppin
- Illustration: Jérémy Baudry
- Production Company: Blue Marlyn
- DOP: Stephane Vallée
- Post production: Chez Louis

For this new campaign, the decision was made to cast a french actress whether than a beauty model. When we met Dorcas, we all knew she was made to embody the Bourjois girl. Her beauty and grace together with her daring look and impertinence, and her sexy french accent on top, she was perfect. We created her gigantic, contemporary Haussmann apartment in a studio and shot the whole spot in a day.